Friday, August 17, 2007

Because Nice Matters

I have been nominated for the Nice Matters Award and so now I must nominate 5 bloggers that are worthy. Well, actually there are hundreds but 5 is a nice easy number! Before I give you my names I must show you the plaque that my friend Lois over at gingerbreadaholic gave me last year. I feel like I've been given the same award twice and am honored. Of course Lois is my first choice. She is one of the nicest people I know and is always there when I need her advice; help; or just to spend time together. My other 4 nominees are Samm, Malieta,: Cheryl: and Allison , all who leave me wonderful comments on my blog;


Cheryl KVD said...

Thank you so much!! This really means a lot to me!!

Allison Rankin said...

You're a sweetie for nominating me...cheers!

Samm said...

Ahhhhh, thanks for nominating me!!!:)
